Posted by: Joanna | July 27, 2011

5 Things I Love About Starting a Business

  1. I love having a good reason to indulge my passion. I need to scout out the sales at the craft store and scrounge around the garage sales for supplies. I am obligated to look through craft books and read craft web sites. And some days it’s just necessary for me to spend an hour or two (or three :-)) in my awesome craft room.

  2. I love doing things I never thought I could do. I made a web site. I created a logo. I’m sure these things took far longer than they should have (I had to design the logo with paper and scan it into my computer because I know nothing about graphics or photo editing), but I did them!
  3. I love feeling professional. This might sound dorky, but I get a big thrill whenever I see our matching business cards and return address labels. We have an account at the copy store; we have packaging supplies; we are a real business. Pretty cool!
  4. I love envisioning the future. We’re just getting started now, but the business has great potential. How many Craft Kit Club members will we have in a week? A month? A year? What other products and services will we offer? How will the company change and grow? How will I change and grow because of it?
  5. I love connecting with new people! Our potential customers, on Facebook and beyond, have been a great support and encouragement. And having a small business also allows me to connect with other creative, energetic people who also have small businesses. Just last weekend I had a wonderful time with Beth, who’s starting up a local Lawrence Kids Calendar. We have decided to do a little cross promotion, so if you sign up for the Calendar’s e-mail newsletter and like her Facebook page, you’ll be entered into a drawing to win a free craft kit!


  1. It was so nice to meet you too! I also love connecting with other small business owners and being able to support folks doing good things! Thanks for mentioning the Kids Calendar!

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